Applicable Expansions

Adrenaline - Painted Minis

last updated January 3rd, 2022 — created January 3rd, 2022

When we paint miniatures, we try to mimic the artwork in areas where we can and capture the feel of the figure in areas without clear source material. These images can provide an additional reference to work from when painting your own miniatures. We also typically replace the bases with clear acrylic bases because we think it looks better. We purchase round bases in various sizes from Litko.

This was a fun set with a lot of the characters having little decals. We tried to make sure to really emphasize their original colors. We were unaware of the new expansion's team bases until after these were re-based, but have since made 3D Printed counterparts that work with our custom bases.

For those interested, all minis have been re-based on 1.5mm x 32mm.

How To Paint Miniatures

The Esoteric Order of Gamers has created some excellent tutorials about painting miniatures. We have largely adopted all of these methods in our own craft. Additionally, we like to remove the miniatures' bases and super glue them to clear acrylic bases. Pro tip: Be sure to prime your miniatures with a very light coat so that you don't accidently fill in the details. If necessary, several light coats are better than one heavy coat.

How To Fix Malformed Miniatures

Sometimes when you buy board games a few of your miniatures will get warped and malformed during the shipping process. Luckily, this is surprisingly easy to remedy if you're careful! We prefer this method presented by Chaz Marler of Pair of Dice Paradise. Pro tip: place a water-filled bowl inside your bowl of ice water so that your minis don't collide with ice while dunking them.

Re-based Miniatures Team Flags
We were unaware of the new expansion's team bases until after our minis were re-based, but made these 3D Printed counterparts that work with our custom bases.
Quick Start Guide
Follow the setup rules, watch an 8 minute video, read a few additional notes and you're ready to play.
Other Painted Miniatures Projects
Mansions of Madness Second Edition
These are the first miniatures we ever painted. We painted a couple investigators and all of the monsters from the base game and several expansions.
For these miniatures we tried to stay in a standardized color scheme across all characters so they would look like a set.