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World of WarCraft: The Board Game - Combat Companion App

last updated March 18th, 2024 — created February 23rd, 2024

This is one of our favorite games but we've struggled with the combat system. Our previous attempt to smooth it out was focused on dice counts. This time we've gone virtual and the app will manage monster stats and handle the tiny tokens. All the combat steps are the same so triggers still happen as normal.

Here's how it works:

  • Select monster type and how many of each color.
  • Set if more than 1 character is participating.
  • You add dice to your pool. The app rolls them.
  • The app marks dice that hit or trigger negative effects.
  • You can spot, reroll, set faces, add or remove dice.
  • The app places tokens from your dice. You add Attrition or adjust values.
  • The app tells you when you defeat monsters, trigger negative effects, or need to take damage.

Watch it in action:

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