Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition
Galaxy Mats
Many players wanted a nice game mat to place on their hard-top table, so we made this galaxy mat and have updated it several times to fit requests.
3D Printed Tokens
After trying to find a way to offer color-specific tokens that aren't as crazy expensive as laser cut acrylic, we decided to make our own.
Acrylic Tokens
We designed these laser cut acrylic tokens before we started 3D printing. They're pretty expensive, but awesome if you want that extra flare.
3D Printed Insert
This insert is designed for optimal setup speed. It has a few setup trays to pull components from, and then all play trays go straight from box to table.
3D Printed Hyperlane Tiles
We printed these hyperlane tiles to make it easier to setup the Hyperlanes variant if you're playing with 3, 5, or 7 players.
World of WarCraft: The Board Game
Fully Cooperative Variant
We have found that it is better to play this game fully cooperatively instead of as 2 factions. It's faster, more exciting, and has less downtime.
3D Printed Insert
This is our biggest insert ever. There are two large sets of drawers to hold the minis and everything else fits in the base game box.
Combat Companion App
This app makes the dice and token combat system virtual. It's easier, less management, takes up less table space, and there are no tiny tokens to handle.
Errata Fix-It Stickers
We created a few fix-it stickers per the Errata listed in the FAQ.
Dice Tracker Companion App
This app's main goal is to allow players to keep a count of any dice they get without spending resources when they achieve higher levels.
Runebound Second Edition
Rules & Other Resources
- Suggested Ambient Audio
- Suggested Ambient Audio - Island of Dread
- Suggested Ambient Audio - Midnight
- Suggested Ambient Audio - Sands of Al-Kalim
- Suggested Ambient Audio - The Frozen Wastes
- Suggested Ambient Audio - Mists of Zanaga
- Market Variant Setup App
- Board Game Geek Page
- Runebound 2E Rulebook
- Island of Dread Rulebook
- Sand of Al-Kalim Rulebook
- Midnight Rulebook
- The Frozen Wastes Rulebook
- Mists of Zanaga Rulebook
- 1st Wave Mini Expansions Rules
- 2nd Wave Mini Expansions Rules
- 3rd Wave Mini Expansions Rules
- Character Decks Cards Reference
- Character Deck Rules
Custom Hero Card Generator
This is a simple web app allowing players to create custom hero cards. Watch your own custom hero cards form as you type!
Rule Variants
These rule variants are designed to streamline gameplay and make it much, much faster. Faster level ups, item acquisition, and nerfed knock outs.
Foam-Core Insert
This design covers every expansion, limits the boxes needed to play, and features boxes for Adventure Variants and Character Decks.
Icon Reference
We made an expansions icon reference sheet so we could easily see which content belongs to what expansion.
Market Variant Setup App
We made this tool to ease the game's setup when using our Market Variant, it randomizes the markets.
Market Variant
This is our approach to a wildly improved market mechanic. Instead of a single market stack, you have six distinct shops.
Tabletop Projects
Custom Gaming Table
This is what we came up with for the center of a Venn diagram between "Wants a big fancy gaming table" and "Doesn't want to spend thousands on it".
Kelsam Score Keeper App
This is the score keeper we made for simple games that just need to track player scores.
Do Something Marker
We originally created this to replace a marker in Magic Maze, but it's so great for passing around that we now use it as a generic first person or turn marker.
Game Storage
We store most of our games vertically on IKEA Kallax shelves for ease of access and reset during cleanup so they set up faster.
Star Wars: Rebellion
3D Printed Insert
This is most certainly our best insert ever. It has a lot of cool features that we'd never be able to do with foam-core, like sets of miniatures drawers.
Empire Map Companion App
We created a companion app for Rebellion because we wanted a cleaner look and simpler experience for imperial map tracking.
Painted Minis
This was a fun set with a lot of the characters having little decals.
Re-based Miniatures Team Flags
We were unaware of the new expansion's team bases until after our minis were re-based, but made these 3D Printed counterparts that work with our custom bases.
Quick Start Guide
Follow the setup rules, watch an 8 minute video, read a few additional notes and you're ready to play.
StarCraft: The Board Game
NEWReference Sheets
This is a rework of the unit reference from the expansion rulebook and a player reference for each faction's buildings, modules, and orders.
Missions Variant
This variant is designed to force players to wage war and limit "camp and build" strategies.
3D Printed Insert
The highlight of this insert is the faction towers. Each faction gets its own tower with reference info on shields for some room to strategize.
Rule Variants
This variant serves to bring a bit more balance to gameplay and speed it up a great deal. At least 1d10 (one 10 sided die) is required to use these variants.
Character Skills Stickers
This is our approach to character skill reference labels. They are designed to be adhered to the backs of your character cards.
Foam-Core Insert
We kept the original plastic insert in the base game box and built this insert for the Melee Expansion box.
D&D Adventure Board Games
Puppets of the Balor Campaign
We wanted to construct our own campaign-style game involving all of our D&D games. The result is this adventure book for the first four games.
Custom Heroes Box
We created a box to store all the heroes so we'd be able to easily select any hero from any of the sets no matter which game we pulled off the shelf to play.
World of WarCraft: The Adventure Game
Rules Variants
For balance reasons we removed a space near Undercity and are restricting the use of Grumbaz Crowsblood to solo play.
Foam-Core Insert
We designed custom faction boxes for the character decks and tokens. We also made draw bins for challenge decks, and a neat drawer bin for discovery tokens.
Mage Wars
Spellbook Builder App
We started this Spellbook Builder App, but it was never completed. This is the proof of concept.
Stats Tracker Companion App
This companion app replaces the Stats Tracking Board. It can track damage, base health value, channeling value, and spending resources.
Painted Minis
For these miniatures we tried to stay in a standardized color scheme across all characters so they would look like a set.
Foam-Core Insert
The best part about this one is the dungeon tile stacks bin. It makes setup much, much swifter.
Legacy of Dragonholt
Character Sheet Generator
We wanted to have nice character sheets so we whipped up a web app. Just fill out the page, add a picture, and print.
Story Tracking Sheet
We don't track the entries that we go through, so we decided it'd be a lot easier to have all our story tracking on one sheet.
Runebound Third Edition
Token Caster Companion App
Using this app you can manage and cast your hero's base tokens, any tokens you get from cards, and even enemy tokens.
Foam-Core Insert
This design covers every expansion, has tokens sorted for convenience, and features boxes for each scenario.
Mansions of Madness Second Edition
Painted Minis
These are the first miniatures we ever painted. We painted a couple investigators and all of the monsters from the base game and several expansions.
Improved Cauldron Shelves
We didn't like playing on the shallow shelf that folds out of the cauldron pieces, so we made deeper shelves out of a bit of foam core.
Reusable Deduction Boards
We adjusted the sheets, bought some minimal-border picture frames and wet-erase markers, put it all together, and now have reusable boards.
Tyrants of the Underdark
3D Printed Insert
This insert fits the first edition box. It has player trays for the houses and organizes the cards (including the expansion decks) to make setup a breeze.
Deck Descriptions Reference Card
We had a crazy hard time finding short descriptions for all of the decks so we created this one to have a handy reference.
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle
3D Printed Insert
This insert houses the base game and both expansions in the base game box. Setup is quick with several play trays that go straight from box to table.
Codex: Card-Time Strategy
Custom Playmat
Our main design goals were to have them fit in the box without rolling/folding, have a low-profile patrol zone, and have a large play area.
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Explorer Trait Companion App
We had a hard time with the sliders the game uses for Explorer Traits and figured a simple companion app would be a good solution.
DungeonQuest Revised Edition
Foam-Core Insert
This insert is one of the first that we did with multiple trays. It has card drawers for each mini-deck as well as small trays for all tokens.
Mage Knight Board Game
Rule Variants
Much like our variants for Runebound 2nd Edition, these variants are designed to speed up gameplay, allow players to level faster, and nerf taking wounds.
Foam-Core Insert
For this game we decided to store the base game and both expansions in one box with an overflowing insert (the lid doesn't fit on all the way).
Artisans of Splendent Vale
3D Printed Insert
This mini-insert for the small components tuck box keeps numbered meeples ordered and ready for action!
Foam-Core Insert
This was the first insert we ever made. If we ever remake this it will be very different. But it was certainly a useful learning experience.
Ricochet Robots
Set Up and Timer Companion App
This was our first tabletop-related piece of software. This tool will guarantee a randomized setup and has a handy 60 second timer to use during gameplay.
Risk: Star Wars Black Edition
3D Printed Insert
This was our first crack at making a 3D printed insert. It features rounded edges for easy component scooping and a draw deck space for each player.
3D Printed Insert
The best part of this insert is how fast it makes the hero skills table setup. 5 seconds, no joke.
Harry Potter: Mystery at Hogwarts
Rule Variants
These variants are designed to clarify rules, plug rule holes, etc.
Unofficial FAQ
We had some questions and the only FAQ we could find was in French, so we compiled all the answers we could find into one printable booklet.
Custom Chess Box
We got a gorgeous new fossil stone chess set, but it came in a decrepit green box, so we made our own.
WarCraft: The Board Game
First Player Token
We wanted to have a token to track the first player, so we tossed this one together.
Earth Reborn
Vacuum Tray Model
We drafted a 3D model of the vacuum insert tray based on the measurements file from Ludically.
Project L
NEW3D Printed Insert
Our components didn't fit well into any of our boxes for this game, so we've printed a new box that houses the base game and both expansions.